
  • Products Blog
    Voice Analytics: AI and use cases to elevate customer satisfaction.
    Voice Analytics: AI and use cases to elevate customer satisfaction.
    Introducing Voice Analytics, a cloud-native AI service unlocking the real power of the content of phone conversations.
  • Products Blog
    International Day for Universal Access to Information: Imagicle’s commitment.
    International Day for Universal Access to Information: Imagicle’s commitment.
    Find out how Imagicle can offer you access to information in total flexibility, mobility, and optimization of resources.
  • People Blog
    Imagicle Middle East. Talent at the service of customers.
    Imagicle Middle East. Talent at the service of customers.
    Discover how we tailor our products, services, and even mood to our Middle East partners and customers.
  • Products Blog
    Why it’s Smart to work on the Imagicle Cloud.
    Why it’s Smart to work on the Imagicle Cloud.
    The Covid-19 paradigm shift. In March 2020, we all learned – the hard way, might I say – that we don’t need to be in the office to get things done. The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated the adoption of remote work on a wide scale, causing virtually the entire employee base of many companies to embrace an […]
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle + Cisco UCM Cloud. Take your UCs to the cloud.
    Imagicle + Cisco UCM Cloud. Take your UCs to the cloud.
    Discover why Cisco UCM Cloud and our UCX Cloud Suite are the ideal duo for a smooth transition to the Cloud.
  • Products Blog
    Attendant Console: native integration with Cisco BroadWorks.
    Attendant Console: native integration with Cisco BroadWorks.
    Discover our native integration with the world's leading cloud business communication platform, Cisco BroadWorks.
  • Products Blog
    Why Imagicle Call Recording is the best replacement for your Cisco Mediasense.
    Why Imagicle Call Recording is the best replacement for your Cisco Mediasense.
    Cisco Mediasense is going into End of Support. The Imagicle Call Recording solution is ready to take over, keeping your existing recordings and adding many additional services.
  • Products Blog
    Contact Manager: introducing Full-Text Search capability.
    Contact Manager: introducing Full-Text Search capability.
    Discover the full-text search engine: ready to optimize contacts search for the Imagicle directories solution.
  • Support Blog
    Covid-19. You can always count on us!
    Covid-19. You can always count on us!
    Imagicle is committed to keep employees safe, to ensure service to our customers and partners, and to do our part in preventing the spread of the virus. You can count on us.
  • Products Blog
    Capex vs Opex. Should I buy or should I lease?
    Capex vs Opex. Should I buy or should I lease?
    What is the difference between CapEx and OpEx? Go through the article and find out more.
  • Products Blog
    Cloud Licensing: a new smart way to manage Imagicle licenses.
    Cloud Licensing: a new smart way to manage Imagicle licenses.
    The first service delivered directly from our data centers is ready. Discover Imagicle Cloud Licensing.
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle Customer Service: turning Gold into Platinum.
    Imagicle Customer Service: turning Gold into Platinum.
    A trip through our support service. What makes us unique, how, and what we are planning for the near future.
  • Event Blog
    How creating a successful event strategy makes us Imagicle.
    How creating a successful event strategy makes us Imagicle.
    Discover our event strategy designed to establish relationships and boost sales.
  • Support Blog
    3 must-have skills for a successful Customer Service.
    3 must-have skills for a successful Customer Service.
    Reduce the work the customer has to do to get their problem solved. Increase their happiness.
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle and Kurmi Software: teaming up to boost your UC.
    Imagicle and Kurmi Software: teaming up to boost your UC.
    Configuration automation for the Imagicle UC apps via Kurmi Service Provider Suite for Cisco HCS.
  • Products Blog
    4 key points to design a striking sales system from scratch.
    4 key points to design a striking sales system from scratch.
    Discover how to build and strengthen customers relationships with 4 actionable advice.
  • Products Blog
    Broadsoft Connections 2018: climbing the Clouds.
    Broadsoft Connections 2018: climbing the Clouds.
    Did you miss Broadsoft Connections 2018? Check out the highlights.
  • People Blog
    Imagicle lands in France: a step closer to our customers.
    Imagicle lands in France: a step closer to our customers.
    Understanding the specific needs of each market and a dynamic sales system enabled Imagicle to build a sales channel in France.
  • No pierda de vista el mundo de Imagicle.
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