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Webinaires en direct et à la demande

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Sales Lab

Apprenez à connaître l’offre commerciale dans le détail et restez toujours informé de toutes les fonctionnalités et tendances du marché pour mieux réussir vos ventes de solutions Imagicle et atteindre vos objectifs.

À qui s'adresse-t-il ?
  • Ventes partenaires
  • Ventes revendeurs

Tech Lab

Plongez dans les solutions Imagicle pour les comprendre d’un point de vue technique et obtenez toutes les informations dont vous avez besoin pour avoir toujours une longueur d’avance et proposer un éventail complet.

À qui s'adresse-t-il ?
  • Préventes
  • Spécialistes partenaires
  • Spécialistes revendeurs
  • Ingénieurs

How to Lab

Pour les utilisateurs finaux et les administrateurs système qui souhaitent tirer le meilleur parti des solutions Imagicle et utiliser tout leur potentiel pour travailler plus rapidement, plus facilement et plus intelligemment.

À qui s'adresse-t-il ?
  • Tout le monde
  • Utilisateurs finaux
  • Administrateurs système

À voir absolument.

  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    New Voice Analytics: insights for better customer service.
    A new AI service, fully Cloud, that leverages the content of your company's conversations.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Attendant Console for Webex Calling.
    Discover our top-level Attendant Console leveraging native Webex API to control Webex Client and your IP Phone.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle + MS Teams. Elevate the user experience.
    Discover the full power of Imagicle + MS Teams integration.

Webinaires à la demande : la formation à portée de main.

  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Faites passer vos offres Webex Calling à la vitesse supérieure grâce à Imagicle.
    Discover how to add value to Webex Calling with the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generate more revenues and boost your sales.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Enriquece tu oferta de Webex Calling con Imagicle.
    Discover how to add value to Webex Calling with the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generate more revenues and boost your sales.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Take your Webex Calling offer to the next level with Imagicle.
    Discover how to add value to Webex Calling with the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generate more revenues and boost your sales.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Take your Webex Calling offer to the next level with Imagicle.
    Discover how to add value to Webex Calling with the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generate more revenues and boost your sales.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Potenzia l’offerta di Webex Calling con Imagicle.
    Scopri come aggiungere valore a Webex Calling con Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generare maggiori revenues e incrementare le vendite.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Winter ’23 – De UC à UCX Suite. Un niveau d’eXpérience en plus.
    Discover what’s new in the Imagicle UCX Suite, now with an added X multiplying the power of Customer and Employee eXperience like you've never seen before.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Winter ’23 – From UC to UCX Suite. Next-level eXperience.
    Discover what’s new in the Imagicle UCX Suite, now with an added X multiplying the power of Customer and Employee eXperience like you've never seen before.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Winter ’23 – Da UC a UCX Suite. Una nuova eXperience.
    Scopri le novità di Imagicle UCX Suite, ora con una X in più che moltiplica la potenza Customer e Employee eXperience come non hai mai visto prima.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Scopri il nuovo Imagicle Conversational AI.
    Scopri la nuova piattaforma conversazionale che permette agli utenti di interagire con agenti virtuali e umani tramite chat e voce, 24/7.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    Imagicle Conversational AI. Your new superpower.
    Discover the new platform that automates conversations by integrating chat and voice channels with virtual and human agents to improve CX and EX.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    Imagicle Conversational AI. Il tuo nuovo superpotere.
    Scopri la nuova piattaforma conversazionale che permette agli utenti di interagire con agenti virtuali e umani tramite chat e voce, 24/7.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite per MS Teams.  Potenzia l’integrazione e la customer experience. 
    Scopri come trasformare Microsoft Teams in uno strumento per aumentare la produttività e grazie a Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite for MS Teams. A must-have integration to boost customer experience.
    Discover how to turn Microsoft Teams into a tool for productivity boost thanks to our must-have Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Enriquezca la oferta de Webex Calling con Imagicle.
    Call Analytics pronto per monitorare e analizzare anche le chiamate esterne, sincronizzazione utenti automatica da Azure ID su Cloud Suite e un'incredibile Conversational AI.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Ajoutez de la valeur à l’offre Webex Calling avec Imagicle.
    Découvrir comment tu peux ajouter de la valeur à Webex Calling avec Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, générer plus de revenus et augmenter les ventes.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Aggiungi valore all’offerta Webex Calling con Imagicle.
    Scopri come aggiungere valore a Webex Calling con Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generare maggiori revenues e incrementare le vendite.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Enrich your Webex Calling offer with Imagicle
    Discover how to add value to Webex Calling with the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generate more revenues and boost your sales.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Make your Webex Calling offer stand out with Imagicle
    Discover how to add value to Webex Calling with the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generate more revenues and boost your sales.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle for Microsoft Teams. Enriched integrations.
    Call Analytics ready to monitor and analyze even external calls, automatic user sync from Azure ID to the Cloud Suite and an outstanding Conversational AI.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle per Microsoft Teams. Un’integrazione ancora più potente.
    Call Analytics pronto per monitorare e analizzare anche le chiamate esterne, sincronizzazione utenti automatica da Azure ID su Cloud Suite e un'incredibile Conversational AI.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle for Webex Calling. Empowered integration.
    Digital Fax, 100% integrated with Webex Calling and 100% cloud-based. Automatic user sync from Azure ID to the Cloud Suite and much more.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Imagicle per Webex Calling. Un’integrazione sempre più potente.
    Digital Fax, completamente integrato con Webex Calling e 100% cloud-based. Sincronizzazione utenti automatica da Azure ID alla Cloud Suite e molto altro.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Introducing the brand new Imagicle Conversational AI.
    Discover the new platform that automates conversations by integrating chat and voice channels with virtual and human agents to improve CX and EX.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Voice Analytics. Enriched with brand-new widgets and alarms.
    New alarms to be notified via email when a specific word is spoken and powerful widget to monitor agents' performances.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Voice Analytics. Potenziato con nuovi widget ed allarmi.
    Scopri le novità della Summer Release : allarmi e nuovo widget per verificare le performance di ogni operatore.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite sur Cisco GPL S+.
    L'offre cloud d'Imagicle sur Cisco GPL S+ : ce qui est inclus et comment le vendre comme un pro.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite on Cisco GPL S+.
    Imagicle’s cloud offer on Cisco GPL S+: What’s included & how to sell it like a pro.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite su Cisco GPL S+.
    Scopri l’offerta cloud su Cisco GPL S+: cos'è incluso e come aumentare le vendite.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Enriquece tu oferta de Webex Calling con Imagicle
    No te pierdas la oportunidad de descubrir como añadir valor a tu Webex Calling con Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite, generando más ingresos e incentivando las ventas.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Enrich MS Teams with Imagicle
    Discover how to add value to MS' Teams offer with the Imagicle Applications,generate more revenues and boost your sales. 
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Aggiungi valore all’offerta MS Teams con Imagicle
    Scopri come aggiungere valore all'offerta di MS Teams grazie all’integrazione con le applicazioni Imagicle, generare maggiori revenue e incrementare le tue vendite. 
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Voice Analytics. Nuovi widget per potenziare il tuo Customer Service.
    Scopri il potenziale di Imagicle Voice Analytics e la nuova dashboard completa di un set di widget per analizzare le tue conversazioni.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Voice Analytics. A full set of widgets to boost your Customer Service.
    Discover the full potential of this solution and the brand new dashboard with a full of set of widgets.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Discover the new Imagicle features for Webex Calling.
    The only Attendant Console for Webex Calling, Webex SSO, and more. Register now!
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Scopri tutte le novità dell’integrazione Imagicle + Webex Calling
    L'unica Attendant Console per Webex Calling, Webex SSO, e molto altro ancora. Registrati ora!
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Spring Release 2022. Take your Spring to the Cloud!
    Découvrez toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités de la Spring Release 2022.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Spring Release 2022. Take your Spring to the Cloud!
    Scopri tutte le novità di Spring Release 2022.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Spring Release 2022. Take your Spring to the Cloud!
    Discover all the new features of Spring Release 2022.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle Attendant Console + gadgets for Webex Calling.
    Quali sono i principali vantaggi dell'integrazione delle soluzioni Imagicle con Webex Calling? Scoprilo in prima persona con una demo in real-time.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle Attendant Console + gadgets per Webex Calling.
    Quali sono i principali vantaggi dell'integrazione delle soluzioni Imagicle con Webex Calling? Scoprilo in prima persona con una demo in real-time.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite sbarca su Cisco GPL S+.
    Ora disponibili su Cisco GPL S+ opzioni di Cloud Software Subscription (SaaS) per tutte le applicazioni Imagicle. Scopri di più!
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Présentation de la suite Imagicle UC Cloud sur Cisco GPL S+.
    Plongez dans la nouvelle offre Imagicle Cloud sur Cisco GPL S+ : en plus des licences perpétuelles et des abonnements SW existants, des options d’abonnements SW Cloud (SaaS) sont désormais disponibles sur Cisco GPL S+ pour toutes les applications Imagicle. Pour en savoir plus, consultez le webinaire.  WEBINAR AGENDA ✅ Présentation de la suite Imagicle UC […]
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Introducing the Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite on Cisco GPL S+.
    Cloud SW Subscriptions (SaaS) options is now available on Cisco GPL S+ for all the Imagicle apps. Find out more!
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Live demo
    Voice Analytics training – part 2
    Action! The best of Voice Analytics in this 15 minute live demo and Q&A.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Live demo
    Voice Analytics training – parte 2
    Azione! Il meglio di Voice Analytics in questa live demo di 15 minuti e Q&A.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Voice Analytics training – partie 1
    Avantages, fonctionnalités, licences. Découvrez pourquoi Voice Analytics est essentielle à la croissance de votre entreprise.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Voice Analytics training – parte 1
    Benefici, features, licenze. Scopri perché Voice Analytics è essenziale per la crescita del tuo business.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Voice Analytics training – part 1
    Benefits, features, licensing. Find out why Voice Analytics is essential for your business growth.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Winter Release 2022. Rock your hybrid work!
    Découvrez les nouveautés pour simplifier votre travail quotidien, surtout si vous mettez en place un modèle de travail hybride.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Winter Release 2022. Rock your hybrid work!
    Scopri tutte le novità per semplificare il tuo lavoro quotidiano, specialmente se stai implementando un modello di hybrid working.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Winter Release 2022. Rock your hybrid work! Secured, integrated, in the Cloud.
    Discover the new features ready to streamline your daily job, even and especially if you're implementing a hybrid work model.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    New Voice Analytics: insights for better customer service.
    A new AI service, fully Cloud, that leverages the content of your company's conversations.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Nuovo Voice Analytics: i dati necessari per migliorare il customer service.
    Un servizio di AI completamente Cloud in grado di analizzare e valutare il contenuto delle conversazioni telefoniche della tua azienda.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    New Voice Analytics: insights for better customer service.
    A new AI service, fully Cloud, that leverages the content of your company's conversations.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Scopri il nuovo Imagicle Manager Assistant.
    Semplifica la gestione delle chiamate e la cooperazione tra Manager e Assistenti. Scopri come!
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Discover the brand new Imagicle Manager Assistant.
    Design to improve call management and cooperation between Managers and Assistants. Discover how!
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Attendant Console pour Webex Calling.
    Scopri Imagicle Attendant Console, la nostra soluzione Cloud di posto operatore avanzata con Advanced Queuing e Auto Attendant, che sfrutta le API native di Webex per controllare il client Webex e il tuo telefono IP e potenziare il tuo servizio clienti.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Attendant Console per Webex Calling.
    Scopri Imagicle Attendant Console, la nostra soluzione Cloud di posto operatore avanzata con Advanced Queuing e Auto Attendant, che sfrutta le API native di Webex per controllare il client Webex e il tuo telefono IP e potenziare il tuo servizio clienti.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Attendant Console for Webex Calling.
    Discover our top-level Attendant Console leveraging native Webex API to control Webex Client and your IP Phone.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle + MS Teams. Elevate the user experience.
    Discover the full power of Imagicle + MS Teams integration.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Imagicle + MS Teams. Potenzia l’esperienza utente.
    Scopri l'integrazione Imagicle + MS Teams.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Découvre la toute nouvelle offre Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
    Discover the brand new offer making it even easier to win projects and boost sales.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Descubra la nuevísima oferta de Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
    ¿Listo para ayudar a sus clientes a conseguir proyectos y a impulsar las ventas?
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Introducing the brand new Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite offer.
    Discover the brand new offer making it even easier to win projects and boost sales.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Scopri la nuova offerta di Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
    Pronto ad aiutare i tuoi clienti, vincere ancora più progetti e incrementare le tue vendite?
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle + Webex. Découvrez comment offrir une expérience utilisateur hors pair.
    Prêt à transformer l’expérience utilisateur Cisco Webex ? Grâce à cette démo en direct, vous aurez l’occasion de découvrir l’intégration d’Imagicle et de Cisco Webex, notamment l’utilisation de Webex Client comme softphone avec Imagicle Attendant Console et les gadgets Imagicle, qui fournissent des fonctionnalités indispensables pour enregistrer les appels, centraliser les contacts, envoyer des télécopies virtuelles, […]
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle + Webex. Descubra la integración.
    Está listo para transformar su experiencia de usuario en Cisco Webex? En esta demostración en directo va a poder descubrir la integración de Imagicle con Cisco Webex, lo que incluye cómo utilizar el cliente de Webex como un softphone con Imagicle Attendant Console y los gadgets de Imagicle, que proporcionan funciones infaltables para grabar llamadas, […]
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Introducing the brand new Imagicle Manager Assistant.
    Design to improve call management and cooperation between Managers and Assistants. Discover how!
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Scopri il nuovo Imagicle Manager Assistant.
    Semplifica la gestione delle chiamate e la cooperazione tra Manager e Assistenti. Scopri come!
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Rapport des HG et Device Model Adoption sur Call Analytics.
    Découvrez les 2 nouveaux rapports d'Imagicle Call Analytics qui aideront vos clients à obtenir des informations utiles pour prendre des décisions basées sur des données.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Informes de HGs y Adopción de Modelos de Dispositivos en Call Analytics.
    Descubra 2 nuevos informes de Imagicle Call Analytic con un conjunto completo de KPI y descubra por qué le ayudarán a su cliente a obtener información.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Hunt Groups and Device Model Adoption reports on Call Analytics.
    Discover 2 brand new Imagicle Call Analytics' reports with a full set of KPIs and discover why they will help your customer gain insights.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    HGs e Device Model Adoption report per Call Analytics.
    Scopri 2 nuovissimi report di Imagicle Call Analytics che aiuteranno il tuoi clienti ad ottenere informazioni utili per prendere decisioni basate sui dati.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Summer Release 2021. A sea of innovation.
    Descubra todas las nuevas funciones incluidas en la versión.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Summer Release 2021. A sea of innovation.
    Découvrez toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités incluses dans la version d'été 2021.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Summer Release 2021. Un mare di novità!
    Scopri tutte le novità incluse nella Summer Release 2021.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Release
    Summer Release 2021. New hot features!
    Ready for an explosion of innovation? Check out all the new features included in Summer Release 2021.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Reduce contact search time to a split second.
    Speed up the contact search time on all devices thanks to Full Text search on Imagicle Contact Manager.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Live demo
    Imagicle + Webex. Scopri l’integrazione.
    Scopri come potenziare l’esperienza dell’utente.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Live demo
    Imagicle + Webex. Discover the integration.
    Bring the user experience to the next level.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Découvrez Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite
    La puissance des applications Imagicle UC + les avantages du nuage.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Scopri Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite
    ll potere delle Apps UC Imagicle + i benefici del Cloud.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Discover Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
    The power of Imagicle UC Apps + the benefits of the cloud.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Descubra Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite.
    El poder de las aplicaciones de Imagicle UC con las ventajas de la Cloud.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Faxing without a fax machine: It’s time to make it digital!
    Discover the benefits of Imagicle Digital Fax and how we helped a big government client to achieve their fax digitalization.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    Comment enregistrer 100% de vos conversions facilement et en toute sécurité
    Découvrez Imagicle Call Recording, la solution incontournable pour garantir la conformité aux réglementations (GDPR, MiFID II, PCI-DSS et HIPAA) tout en capturant 100 % des appels commerciaux.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite + UCM Cloud.
    Descubre por qué Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite y Cisco UCM Cloud son perfectos para trasladar tus UC a una sólida solución en la Cloud.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle Cisco + Cisco UCM Cloud.
    Découvrez pourquoi Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite + Cisco UCM Cloud sont le produit idéal pour évoluer vers le Cloud.
  • DE RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    3 Lösungen zur Verbesserung Ihres Kundenservices.
    Erfahren Sie, wie Sie durch die Kombination von drei verschiedenen Apps eine vollständige, skalierbare und einfache Lösung bereitstellen können.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    Cómo grabar el 100% de sus conversaciones de forma fácil y segura.
    Descubra cómo grabar sus llamadas en un clic, poner pausa para omitir información sensible y mucho más.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    How to get the most out of your Attendant Console.
    Find out all the tips and tricks to use the Imagicle Attendant Console at best, leveraging its full potential.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    Come registrare il 100% delle tue conversazioni in sicurezza.
    Scopri come registrare le tue chiamate in un clic, mettere in pausa per saltare le informazioni sensibili e altro ancora.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - How to Lab
    How to capture 100% of your conversations easily and securely.
    Discover how to record your calls in a click, pause to skip sensitive info, easily access your files, and more.
  • DE RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Entdecken Sie Imagicle Call Analytics.
    Imagicle Call Analytics ist eine erweiterte Lösung für die Überwachung und die Kontrolle von Telefon-Traffic.
  • DE RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Entdecken Sie die Imagicle Call Recording.
    Imagicle Call Recording liefert wichtige Informationen für Kunden, Effizienz, Risikominderung und Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    5 integrazioni indispensabili di Imagicle Attendant Console.
    Imagicle Attendant Console è dotata di integrazioni che semplificano e migliorano il lavoro dell'operatore.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Customer Service: 3 app per una soluzione completa e scalabile.
    Scopri come offrire una soluzione di completa, scalabile e semplice combinando tre diverse app.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Mejora el uso y la adopción de los aparatos de tus clientes.
    Mejora la adopción de dispositivos y analiza cómo cambia su uso con los nuevos informes de Call Analytics.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Migliora l’uso e l’adozione dei dispositivi telefonici per i tuoi clienti.
    Migliora l'adozione dei dispositivi e analizza come ne cambia l'uso nel tempo coi nuovi report di Call Analytics.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Améliorez l’utilisation et l’adoption des appareils de vos clients.
    Améliorez l'adoption et analysez sa évolution grâce aux nouveaux rapports de Imagicle Call Analytics.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite + UCM Cloud.
    Scopri perché Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite e Cisco UCM Cloud sono il duo ideale per migrare le tue UC verso il Cloud.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Spring Release 2021. Des nouveautés fleuries.
    Prêt pour une floraison d’innovations ? Découvre toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Live demo
    Discover the new reports for Hunt Groups on Imagicle Call Analytics.
    Get the most out of HGs and provide valuable insights to improve the calling experience.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Spring Release 2021. Scopri tutte le novità.
    Pronto per un'esplosione di innovazione? Scopri tutte le nuove funzionalità.
  • FR RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Nouveaux rapports pour les Hunt Groups sur Imagicle Call Analytics.
    Aidez vos clients à optimizer de leurs HG grâce à des informations précieuses pour améliorer l'expérience d'appel.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Live demo
    Scopri i nuovi report per Hunt Group di Imagicle Call Analytics.
    Aiuta i tuoi clienti ad ottenere il massimo dai loro HG con preziosi insight per migliorare l'esperienza di chiamata.
  • ES RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Descubre los nuevos informes de los grupos Hunt en Imagicle Call Analytics.
    Descubre Imagicle Call Analytics y los nuevos informes de los grupos Hunt Summary, Extensions, Busy Hours y Call Details.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite + UCM Cloud.
    Discover why Imagicle UCX Cloud Suite is Cisco UCM Cloud's ideal match to move your UCs to a solid cloud calling solution.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Perché gli hotel scelgono Cisco e Imagicle per i loro servizi telefonici.
    Scopri come integrare il PMS con Cisco e aggiungere i servizi mancanti all'hotel dei tuoi clienti.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Why hotels choose Cisco and Imagicle for their telephone services.
    Find out how to integrate the PMS with Cisco and add missing services to the hotel of your customers.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Customer Service: 3 apps for a comprehensive, scalable solution.
    Cut operational costs by combining three different apps into a single panel. It's Imagicle Customer Service.
  • IT RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Riduci il tempo di ricerca contatti a una frazione di secondo.
    Scopri la funzionalità di ricerca Full-Text che indicizza i contatti e rende la ricerca fino a 100 volte più veloce.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Help your customers improve phone devices usage and adoption.
    Offer a complete set of Device Adoption reports and KPIs that will help your customers make data-driven decisions.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    Spring Release 2021. Flowery new features.
    Ready for an explosion of innovation? Check out all the new features included in Spring Release 2021.
  • EN RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Tech Lab
    5 must-have integrations of Imagicle Attendant Console.
    Imagicle Attendant Console comes with a full set of integrations that simplify the operator's work.
  • DE RegarderRegarder
    WEBINAR - Sales Lab
    Findend Sie heraus, wie Sie ihre Faxe einfach virtualisieren können.
    Entdecken Sie alle Vorteile von Imagicle Digital Fax.
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