
  • Products Blog
    Cloud or Dedicated Cloud. What’s best?
    Cloud or Dedicated Cloud. What’s best?
    You're migrating to the Cloud and you need to choose between a public or private instance? This article will help you.
  • Products Blog
    Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling: the operator console that was missing.
    Imagicle Attendant Console for Webex Calling: the operator console that was missing.
    Discover a new native integration. Attendant Console is fully compatible with all Cisco platforms!
  • Products Blog
    Voice Analytics: designed for your privacy and security.
    Voice Analytics: designed for your privacy and security.
    Voice Analytics handles a variety of sensitive, personal data. Learn why you can trust it to do so, any time, anywhere.
  • Products Blog
    Voice Analytics: AI and use cases to elevate customer satisfaction.
    Voice Analytics: AI and use cases to elevate customer satisfaction.
    Introducing Voice Analytics, a cloud-native AI service unlocking the real power of the content of phone conversations.
  • Products Blog
    Cloud, Manager Assistant, Voice Analytics: a brand-new Imagicle world.
    Cloud, Manager Assistant, Voice Analytics: a brand-new Imagicle world.
    New products to enhance your work, new integrations to make it easier. Dive into the latest Imagicle news with our co-CEO and CTO.
  • Tech Specs Blog
    ​​Imagicle contribution to Open Source: WireMock.GUI.
    ​​Imagicle contribution to Open Source: WireMock.GUI.
    The Open Source world now has an Imagicle touch: discover WireMock.GUI, our internal tool written in TDD and developed by our R&D team that mocks the behavior of a web server.
  • Release Blog
    Call Rec boost: from 180 to 500 recordings on the same server.
    Call Rec boost: from 180 to 500 recordings on the same server.
    Leveraging all the hardware space with the same performance level, enabling 500 simultaneous recordings.
  • Tech Specs Blog
    Three more bites to Imagicle’s Design For People process.
    Three more bites to Imagicle’s Design For People process.
    Imagicle UX Greta tells about three steps of the Exploration phase of UX software design for people: Brainstorming & sketches, Wireframing, Prototyping. Discover a reliable and programmatic way to understand the needs, aspirations, and emotional touchpoints of customers and users.
  • Tech Specs Blog
    6 Key benefits of Open Source Software for Cloud-native development.
    6 Key benefits of Open Source Software for Cloud-native development.
    Open Source or proprietary software? Here are my 6 reasons why making a decision for Open Source software is a good choice in many cases.
  • Tech Specs Blog
    3 imagicle steps to designing a strong user experience.
    3 imagicle steps to designing a strong user experience.
    Consistency and ease in the user experience are huge undertakings, but we have embraced them! Find out our three steps to provide relevant and significant experiences to users based on their behavior analysis, improve the way users interact with the apps and thus enhance overall user satisfaction.
  • Products Blog
    Capex vs Opex. Should I buy or should I lease?
    Capex vs Opex. Should I buy or should I lease?
    What is the difference between CapEx and OpEx? Go through the article and find out more.
  • Products Blog
    A new smart way to produce Imagicle Virtual Appliance.
    A new smart way to produce Imagicle Virtual Appliance.
    Discover Imagicle Virtual Appliance, a fast and convenient way to set up an AppSuite, both for a trial and for a production configuration.
  • Products Blog
    Don’t Panic: UX is here 🆘.
    Don’t Panic: UX is here 🆘.
    Starting from Winter Release 2020, thanks to a sophisticated UX process, your Attendant Console will be equipped with a brand new Panic Button. You'll be able to act quickly and minimize threats when an unexpected event occurs. Discover the new Imagicle feature that will make you feel better and safer.
  • Products Blog
    Let’s face it! Picture Repository for Attendant Console and Cisco Jabber.
    Let’s face it! Picture Repository for Attendant Console and Cisco Jabber.
    Discover the Repository that takes the photos of your colleagues inside the Attendant Console… and Cisco Jabber!
  • People Blog
    Being a Solution Specialist @ Imagicle.
    Being a Solution Specialist @ Imagicle.
    Andrea talks about his experience as an Imagicle solution specialist, explaining what advantages his work offers for teams, partners, and customers.
  • Products Blog
    Serverless Architecture: Imagicle’s journey to the Clouds.
    Serverless Architecture: Imagicle’s journey to the Clouds.
    Follow our Cloud Architect in the adventurous journey to Imagicle Cloud Licensing and the highest peaks of technology.
  • Products Blog
    Why choosing emergent design for Agile software development.
    Why choosing emergent design for Agile software development.
    Learn why and how the architecture of software should emerge through a scale-up approach rather than upfront design, and how Imagicle self-organizing teams allow the design to emerge.
  • Tech Specs Blog
    TDD: why I decided that debugging wasn’t worth my time.
    TDD: why I decided that debugging wasn’t worth my time.
    Take it easy with all that debugging! Here's a Test-Driven-Development real-life usage example to learn how to release projects much faster and with higher quality and stop wasting your time in the tangle of bugs.
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